Half Nekkid Thursday # 7
Here's one for my sweetheart in Texas.
Mrs D is in Big D (Dallas) and this is one of her fav piccies.
It's a bit 'Patrick Duffy' but I don't have webbed feet...honest..
Have you heard this!!!
It's Paul Anka doing Van Halens 'Jump' (Sooz, It's Rockwell Jump, hee hee).
He has covered all sorts of modern songs in a Swing groove. Smells like Teen Spirit and Everybody Hurts to name a couple. I love it.
I'm sure others will hate it.
Mrs D's mom lives in Texas and although she keeps going there on visits without me, :( this time her mom is ill.
She was due to go out for 10 days on holiday anyway (It happens a lot these days, Oh well) but mom's blood pressure was high so she has gone for three weeks. It's very lonely. My summer of sun, sea and sex has ended up with neither showing their face often.
Very hot pic, though the webbed feet would have made it hotter (just joking).
Happy HNT!!!
Awww, that is so nice!
Lovely! The fact that there are no man-made bubbles in the water just proves you're a step above some of the men-folk floating around out there.
Patrick Duffy has webbed feet?
Hmm, learn something new everyday.
I like the water shots; very earthy/sexy!
Blaze - Check this out, http://www.nostalgiacentral.com/tv/drama/manfromatlantis.htm
I'm toooo old :)
With your wife in TX, one is left to wonder what you're doing just under the surface in your HNT pic!
Have you heard the Pat Boone "heavy metal" album? He does the same thing as Anka (well, he did it first--it came out about 5 years ago). Some incredible big band writing!
Osbasso - Yes I have.. you just reminded me. I have heard him do Enter Sandman by Metallica. Wow thanks for that I am off to download some more.
great pic... :)
Nice. Happy HNT!
Hey Sooz, Thanks sweety. I wasn't sure whether you was reading my blog or not. Take care babe xx
Has to be better than Pat Boone doing heavy metal.
And very nice Man from Atlantis reference...appealing to the oldsters of your readers. ;-)
Cool picture, I like the reflection in the water.
very nice! Can't beat a hot man coming out of the water...happy HNT!
cool shot! where was that taken? happy hnt!
That looks nice and refreshing!!
Happy HNT!
What a beautiful shot! The water looks so calm and inviting...:)you look pretty cute too:)
lecram - It was taken in Lake Senaca, NY. Beautiful and warm in summer, supposedly freezing in winter.
You are *ahem* a very, very goodlooking man.
Sorry I'm late!
Happy HNT!
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