Monday, August 01, 2005

D'ya get me?

As in the U.S. , Britain has dialects from different regions. The accent around these parts is a 'bastardised' version of cockney.
It's not quite a London accent but we nearly sound like 'My Fair Lady'.

When I speak to my Texan friends I have to speak very slowly and with a posher voice. They still don't seem to understand but politely nod in the right places.

It's no wonder they struggle because an article I saw the other day summed up the problem of our 'orrible voices.
In Kent's Bluewater Shopping Centre(mall), not 30 miles from here, a researcher took a piece of lingerie to the cash desk and said to the worker the exact words "Alma Chisett". The assistant replied without hesitation "furty free pand".

OK, translation : "Alma Chisett" is, to our ears - 'how much is it?'....... "furty free pand" is 'thirty three pounds'.

Aunt ya glad I type in me blog sa ya cun undastaand me?


Chick said...

I love accents too.

& I understood you too.

At least Texans speak kinda slow...that's a plus...when all the words sound funny.

Here we say things like...jeet yet? or...that'll be figh-dolla...but it's all said FAST & without sympathy ; )

The Funky Bee said...

I love accents from the UK - all parts! Much easier to understand than some of the things coming out of the U.S. Think Bahston, New YOWK, etc...

Rob said...

Eh? Take off ya hoser!!

Oops that's was Canadian LOL

boabhan sith said...

LOL...I love you man.

...the pic is great too!

Or something...


Don't worry.
I'm from Oklahoma and I've got a back accent. My cousins from Illinois tell me they can't ever understand me, but I think it's the other way around. Funny how we label ppl by the way they speak.

Calvin said...

i remember growing up watching shows on ITV.. remember 'Mind Your Language' and 'Yes Minister'?? i loved the accents!! hehe

Cindy-Lou said...

What I don't get is people saying I have an accent. Don't they get that Californian's don't have accents? We are the constant to which every other accent is compared. haha.

Unknown said...

Cheers mates.
S! - Mind your language was classic stuff. I bet it's really naff if I watched it nowadays.

Nicole said...

Let's see more hot pictures.

Wait, do you understand Chicagoan?

J said...

I'm with the Queen of Pink- being a mother, I totally got what you were sayin. AHAHA... that's kind of funny. But accents & dialect fascinate me still.