Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Don't shoot the messenger..

I said I would post what the British think about Americans. I do not hold all these views myself. I love America and Americans.

Disclaimer - These are not the views of myself. They are general stereotypes that I hear from this side of the pond. I have added my opinion on the end in bold.

- Americans are all fat NOT TRUE
- Americans are all Yanks NOT TRUE
- Americans are overly obsessed with their damn flag A BIT TRUE
- Americans wear garish coloured clothing and hideous sweaters TRUE
- Americans are obsessed with race and colour A BIT TRUE
- Americans must have beautiful news anchors in order to watch the news TRUE
- American news concentrates only on America NOT TRUE
- Americans are far too religous TRUE
- Americans are loud NOT TRUE
- Americans all carry guns NOT TRUE
- American military will shoot first and ask who they shot later NOT TRUE
- Americans are obsessed with teeth A BIT TRUE
- Americans excel at sport only they play NOT TRUE
- Americans will sue anyone or anything TRUE
- Americans voted for a moron NO COMMENT
- Americans will do anything to get on TV. NOT TRUE
- Americans are far too uptight on nudity NOT TRUE see HNT
- Americans think that they police the world A BIT TRUE

I know the British are seen as pompous with bad teeth. This is pretty much true but that's our health service and cynicism for you.


boabhan sith said...

Hey, I am too loud.

LOL but, I'm not a yanky. Oklahoma is still considered southern...just not the deep south baby.


Chris said...

This American is very NON-religious, I own nothing with a red/white/blue combination, I own no garrish sweaters (although I did in the 80s) and I voted for a moron, but the OTHER moron...

Chris said...

PS: Just wanted to say I looked through much more of your blog and I'm likin' it very much. Ya got alittle bit of everything going on

Cindy-Lou said...

Keep talking shit and I'll shoot you and wave my flag over your skinny dead body. Then our beautiful news anchors will talk about the racist angle of the hate crime while wearing bright green sweaters. I will of course sue them for slander but I'll be happy to at least be on TV. Praying for mercy.

Andi said...

We will in fact do anything to get on TV, except me...cuz I'm fat and this horrible sweater makes it even worse.

Margaret said...

so not all of these apply to me...lol...

however, the pic at the bottom of the post...eewww...i just shouldnt have to see anyones thong like that...gross...lol...


BlazngScarlet said...

ok, I know that we tend to wear some gawdawful clothing, but .....

have you SEEN what your countrymen(and women) WEAR while on holiday here in sunny Florida?!
I should take some pics and send them to you, it is quite hysterical.

Kathleen said...

Re: Americans are far too religious - Not really, it's just that ones that are are exceptionally vocal about it and want to inflict their beliefs on the rest of the country/world. And I'm very sorry for that.

And only 51% voted for the moron.

Unknown said...

Blaze - Our tourists are the most hideous people on earth. We are deeply ashamed and I am sorry.
Beer swilling, beer bellied, football shirt wearing louts.

Peong said...

The new anchor may be pretty, but that doesn't mean they actually report "news." Have you ever actually watched fox news or MSNBC. 24 hours of crap. I can get a half hour expose on one high school girl missing in Aruba, but only two minutes at best about extending the patriot act, Iraq (forget about Afghanistan), or the fact that gas prices have doubled in the last 6 months.

And I did have some UGLY sweaters, but my wife (she's foreign) made me get rid of them.

PS. I'm watching EPL highlights; congrats on your Hammers opener.

The Funky Bee said...

I don't think it's that we are obsessed with our teeth, I think it's the Brit's complete lack of dental hygene that is the issue. I'm sure your teeth are quite lovely tho ;O)

And SOME people voted for the idiot that is now considered our president but I won't even get into that, I'll just say that I wasn't one of them!!

J said...

This is freakin funny!! :)

Unknown said...

So many of those are true!! Scary.