Half Nekkid Thursday # 5
or Where's my hair gone?
This is a picture of my 'spam', as we call it over here. My forehead.
It shows you the scar that I got when I was about 6 years old. I was at a birthday party and when my mum arrived to pick me up I was so excited that I ran out to meet here. I tripped on a kerbstone and whammo!
There was 'claret' everywhere. I had been told to wait in the doorway.My mum takes great delight in telling me I was not doing what I was told.
My hair used to cover it but I am 'thinning' a bit now and look forward to my Autumn years bald as a babboons arse. Ho hum.
I have another head wound on my eyebrow from being hit by a golf club. That's another story for another day.
great pic...and i can imagine your mom having all sorts of fun with it...lol...
I love the scar!!!
Scars give us character.
I think bald men are sexy as hell! ;)
Happy HNT!!!!
Nice spam there darlin'
Remember, scars make better stories than tattoos.
Nice scar. I have one on my forehead too, but not quite as visible. I guess we both had the same idea this week, posting pictures of our "war wounds"
Scars Rock! Thanks for sharing. :-)
Great picture and story!
I did a similar thing but chipped my front teeth out. Luckily they were my baby teeth.
Happy HNT!
Scars on guys are hot! Like battle wounds in a sexy way ;).
I have my nipples up for HNT.
Happy HNT!
LOL, you can tell your grandkicks it's a battle scar...
Hehehe...kids will believe anything.
whoa.. that still looks painful!
chicks dig scars, pain heals, glory lasts forever....
Great scar and story! Scars earned as a kid are the best! Happy HNT!
I love scar stories! Great post. Happy HNT - oh and by the way, I think shaved heads are sexy. If you have to get to that point don't worry, women LOVE IT!
Excellent scar story! And, I gotta agree with the other comments...bald is sexy.
Comparing scars is fun. But we could be here a while!!
OUCH!!! And shave your head. Shaved head men are HOT.
Ah, Scars are great!...always a story to tell with them! :)
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