Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Who wants to know?

Introducing an I.D. card is the talk of Britain at the moment. It has to be 'biometric' and chipped. There is talk it will cost around £200($390) each and will be voluntary to begin with.
There are arguments stating that it will stop terrorism, curb under age drinking and ease illegal immigration whilst others claim it will intrude on civil liberties.
I, as a paid up Libra, haven't made my mind up yet but I will ask one thing. Why do some people think they are so important that the autorities 'give a damn' what they are up to?
I hear people coming on the radio stating that supermarket loyalty cards and credit card payments lets 'the authorities' know what type of beans they are buying and the ID scheme is more intusion in our lives and 'they' will know more about us.
Do people honestly believe 'someone' is studying them and using information for sinister means. The only reason they want to know what beans you buy is so they can send you money off coupons for that brand.
I don't think that highly of myself to think that anyone cares about my 'normal' life. The only people that should worry are those that are up to no good and living out of the ordainary.


boabhan sith said...

I totally agree that people are too paranoid about that kind of things.
Oklahoma just switched to the new licenses about a year or two ago that have the finger prints on them and my husband freaked out. I'm like why are you worrying? Are you going to rob a bank or something and scared that you might leave a finger print?
I'm too boring to have the cops breathing down my neck. Yeah, I'll admit it...I do sometimes 5 over the speed limit.

Rob said...

Ummm No I don't want you to know my secret ingredient in my beans!!! LOL

Yeah it'll definitely stop the home computer ID counterfeiter, but the cost of the ID card is ridiculous.

I still think all the eye doctors that perform lasik procedure are actually implanting chips in your eyes so you can be tracked... but maybe I'm just a little paranoid.

*looks over shoulder*
*whisper* don't tell them I told you