Friday, September 02, 2005


What the HELL are they doing in New Orleans.


This is America, the Western world, Civilisation.

The pictures we are seeing look like a third world country performing a fourth world rescue attempt.


The UN have offerred to help.
Swallow your pride and accept it.
They know what they are doing.
The rest of the world is watching you f*ck it right up.

You cannot blame the people down there for losing their minds.
There are so many question your country needs to answer about this.

I am so angry at the crap effort the authorities are putting in.

I can't believe what I am seeing from the USA.


The Funky Bee said...

BD - I am HERE in the US and I don't believe what I am seeing! I am beside myself with what starts as sadness and depression and moves into sheer anger! I am no fan of G.W. Bush! I can actually say that I hate the sonofabitch! I can only imagine what the residents that are sitting, waiting, praying for help are feeling. Anger must not even be the half of it. Dispair? Hopelessness? The situation is unimaginable! It does look like a third world country. Bring our troops back from Iraq you asshole and let them help rebuild OUR country! The richest, most opportune country in the world is now the laughing stock. The less fortunate. The weak. I wish Bush would admit our weakness and accept HELP! We most obviously NEED IT. And now he travels down to these sites and pretends to care about these poor people who had nothing before the hurricane and now have even less. It is uncomfortable to watch. I am sick with dispair and I pray there is more I can do. A friend of mine at work is going to N.O. on Sunday. She just took a training class at the Red Cross and my boss, god bless him, is letting her go for two weeks to assist the needy and then come back to a job! There is talk that a shelter will be opening here in the DC area and that they will need volunteers and I plan to make myself available. Why is it that the people, regular old citizens are doing more on their own than our government? Our very rich government. May GWB rot in hell. A hell that hopefully looks like the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

SO SORRY TO GO OFF ON THIS RANT! I just get so damn fired up about this and I can't shut up!
Thanks for your concern too BD!!

Andi said...

Yep, this just proves what most of us have been saying the whole time: homeland security is a JOKE and Bush is a total waste of space. If I wasn't so goddamned pissed I would really enjoy dancing around yelling, "I told you so!!!" but the situation these people are in is totally sucking the "told you so" out of me. I'll be rounding up supplies to send to the red cross and sending my check. Dallas is filling up with refugees and my university will be taking on 500 displaced students...some of which will likely be freshmen in my writing labs. The whole thing is shocking and absolutely infuriating, and I wish, WISH, there was some way I could strangle Dubya and his cohorts.

Unknown said...

I am very ashamed of what we are doing to our own people! I read that some politician said that they were going to just bulldoze the city anyway so why rush to fix it back up? Seriously!@

Lelly said...

I can't believe what's happened and what's NOT happened since. Desperate, starving people being forced to loot for water and America! God help them, cos it doesn't look like GWB is going to...or not fast enough.

Found this website:

Richard A said...

Dear Friends, What have YOU done to help? I hope you have given what you can afford in money to the American Red Cross or Catholic Charities, etc. already! Don't curse the darkness, but light a candle to help people see the way!

I know this is frustrating -- I have been through combat in 3 wars & I know frustration, too. But people need to stay as calm as possible and think as clearly as possible. Let's GET IT DONE rather than sit around bitching about what DIDN'T get done!
Calling out for God or Daddy Bush to help doesn't seem as effective as having been prepared in New Orleans in the first place. Let's not forget NEXT time -- I think the Mayor of New Orleans is afraid someone will hold HIM responsible for lack of hometown preparedness, HIMSELF!

But there will be time enough later for recriminations -- donate now and donate again with each of the concerts coming up! Or join the volunteers who are answering the call for workers to the Danger Zone! Otherwise, one is choosing to be part of the problem, not part of the solution! I challenge you to beat the $340 donation I have just given (and I am unemployed)! Talk, alone, is cheap!