Warning - blurry full nekkidness at end of this post
For several months now they (who is they?) have been putting up huge structures about a mile out to sea where I live.
I say sea, it is the Thames Estuary but it is almost the North Sea.
The erections are for a 'wind-farm' that will produce electicity for someone(!)
If you look hard enough you can see them..
They look bigger in real life.
I am amazed that the locals 'allow' this eyesore to be built. We can't even cycle along the seafront without some old codger having a moan in the local press.
I was very disappointed that the sails they have put on the towers are not the same as the 'windmills' they sell for childrens push-chairs. That would have been much prettier.
Imagine 1,000 of these on one pole.
A whole lightbulb would be powered
It reminds me of something one of my young cousins once said. When asked, in a quiz, what buildings have sails? Instead of Windmills she replied "Woolworths" (Sales). She isn't blonde either!
One thing I have been meaning to say is that although I have little idea what is inside a 'suicide' bombers head, I wish the press would give the 'glorification' of these tossers a rest.
Every day since the first attack on July 7th, the newspapers have carried photos and stories on the 'suicide' bombers past lives. We have seen their birth certificate, family history and holiday snaps.
mar·tyr ( P ) (märtr)n.
One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles.
One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle.
One who endures great suffering: a martyr to arthritis.
One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy.
If another misplaced Muslim is thinking of getting some sort of martyrdom out of their twisted logic then their crazy minds have been fuelled by the constant reference to their 'heroes'.
Why not give negative reporting like commenting on the size of their dicks or inability to get an erection. Ridicule is something to be scared of. A culture that is homophobic and scared of the soles of shoes is easily ridiculed.
Stop glorifying 'suicide' attacks and let the fu*k-wits wonder if their evil actions are worth obscurity. Far too simplistic, I know but that is how I feel.
Do not get me started on the role religion plays in all this carnage. That's for another day.
To end on a lighter note, here is the image you have all been waiting for from HNT. What's wrong with your eyes? Too much HNT maybe.
Have a great weekend.
Delicious .........
What a way to start my day!Prrrrrrr...
Hmm, not sure what to make of the title of this post. Especially in light of your latest HNT entry (which I'm still drooling over by the way).
I hear you Paul. I notice they have gone crazy for your body on your blog too.
Good for the ego, I guess. :)
Sorry, did you say something? I was distracted. ;)
I love the pinwheel idea. Much prettier.
Hey! Nice ass! ;)
yeah nice arse LOL.... I especially liked the "zoomed in" one LOL
yay for HNT! nice bum..where ya from? ;)
Hey, I tried to email you about the music thingy on my site but it bounced back. If you're still interested email me chamil10@aol.com
or update your profile email address!
*Smacks that ass*
Wow...& I didn't even have to throw any money!
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