Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Forbidden Subject

Disclaimer: I have absolutely no intention of upsetting or offending anyone. I just want to spout off. I respect everyones beliefs. I would never force my beliefs on anyone. I have just put them here in print for your assessment. I'm still not decided whether I believe in a God..go figure. I apologise if you are offended.

OK, Religion.. not a great subject to discuss without getting into a dispute or offending someone.
I was raised as a Catholic. It's a long story but basically my mum was made to promise to bring her children up as Catholics so she could marry my Catholic dad in a Catholic church. She still had to enter in the side door.

As an adult I now look on religion as a silly superstition that was setup to make humans tow-the-line and explain earth mysteries.
I do NOT believe in ghosts and spirits. I haven't seen them or evidence of them. I DO believe in the mind power that makes people think they have had paranormal experiences.

Consequently, I find it hard to believe there is an entity that watches and judges us. The Universe is such a mystery but, why do we have to find the answer in an almighty? In ancient times the people explained the sun and seasons with gods. We now know that the Earth revolves around the sun and the sun is a star made up of gases. If Egyptians dared to question the existence of Ra - the sun god then I am sure they would have been shouted down.

I believe Jesus existed. I know he is a figure of history. He was a freedom fighter and spoke of peace. I also know that humans put him to death because he claimed to be the Son of God. Exactly the same thing would happen today. If, lets say, Jim Carrey claimed he was the Messiah. People would dismiss him, ruin him and ridicule him. A religious nut shoots him and then 2000 years later he is lorded as the Saviour. I know I'm being ridiculous but look at the Elvis phenomena that surrounded his death. How many people claimed he was still alive? Back from the dead? I'm sure the disciples were as desperate, like Elvis fans were, to see their Messiah risen from the dead.

Anyway... that is all about Christianity and I am not just dismissing a belief system that has taken centuries to evolve.
The role that ALL religions play in the wars, conflicts and tortures of the world is a disgrace. The latest terrorist war is really a religious war. It is some fanatic factions of Islam that want to destroy the western world that drives the terrorists. It is not a Muslim v Christian situation but it is a religious ideal opposed to western culture that warps their crazy minds.

'Imagine there's no religion'...to paraphrase Mr Lennon.

The thought of an after-life is the most dangerous thing a human can believe.
This IS the life. This is it buddy... and suicide bombing somebody who doesn't believe in your after-life is just a WASTE. We'd love to think that the innocent victims go to heaven and the bombers to hell. They'd love to think it's the other way around. Something tells me neither is right and all those dead in the bombings are indeed in eternity... it's just an eternity of nothing.

Let's get on with surviving THIS life and making THIS life worth living. Forget about something we have absolutely, 100% no proof of.

footnote: If Jesus did come back to Earth, wouldn't people with a cross around their neck be the last people he would bond with? The Cross being his method of execution.


R said...

crunch crunch crunch...thats me walking on eggshells...

Valid points...

Independentgrl...I thought it was 70 virgins...

Cindy-Lou said...

That's funny, you think every time he saw a cross he'd sit down and start rocking back and forth "make the bad men go away, make the bad men go away"?

The Funky Bee said...

Very nicely written and not offensive at all. You bring up some interesting points that I think a lot of people question, discuss, ponder, these days...How can we not in the world we live in today?

KayCee said...

Excellent post!

I thought it was 88 virgins, too...

Unknown said...

88 or 70 virgins... I'm not sure it matters. Presumably they wouldn't be virgins for long.
There must be a virgin shortage in their warped paradise.

BlazngScarlet said...

So NOT offended; quite the contrary!

Although I disagree with you about there not being a higher being or a more peaceful after-life, you DO raise some very thought-provoking points.
I DO agree that killing in the name of God, Buddha, Allah, or whomever you DO worship is appalling.

Unfortunately, we're dealing with a group of people who have been fighting and killing for CENTURIES in the name of their religion.